Asher now has 15 dinosaur books and can identify at least 50 dinosaurs. Last year when he became obsessed with dinos, unfortunately I taught him the incorrect way to pronounce nearly all of his favorite theropod dinosaurs (actually pretty much all dinosaurs). Now that we have a textbook size Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and use the Internet to research - we are re-learning the correct way to pronounce. For him, it's no sweat, he picks up the new sound so fast. But it's taking me a while to remember to say
kar-kar-o-DON-tuh-SAWR-us instead kar-char-odontosaurs....
Deinonychus: Pronunciation: dye-NON-ick-us
Giganotosaurus: Pronunciation: JYE-ga-NO-toe-SORE-us
The audio file at
DinoDictionary is my friend.
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