My second born Asher Lewis Bremson is two years old today. We celebrated his birthday yesterday at Woodland Park Zoo with Grandma Judy and the Nobis and Reep families. A laid back, casual picnic and trip to the park / zoo. He was in good spirits, running around, avoiding collisions with swings and making a run for the street. His diaper leaked and flooded his jeans.We had little white bread cheese and PB+J sandwiches. Asher didn't like the black olives we bought with him in mind. We served guacamole and corn chips. Grapes and chocolate cake.
Instead of blowing out his candles he reached out to extinguish the flames with his hands. He sucked on his fingers to ease the ache. A dog tied to a bench howled next to our picnic blanket. Everyone asked if he was our dog. The family finally picked up their lonely dog and left.
We had to discipline Elliot because he stuck his hand on the cake. I sent him to the bench for a time out. Then he hid behind the bench in the shrubs. A crow drinking from a puddle of water on a rock framed the scene. Two men drinking beer out of paper bags sat on a bench nearby. Danny gave one of the men the rest of our sandwiches. He saw us later and thanked us for the food again.
Today I met a 62 year old woman whose birthday was also May 22nd. She said she had met 3 other people born on May 22nd today. She thought it must mean something, it was an auspicious sign.
Asher cried after I put him to bed for 15 minutes, he cried for daddy. He is daddy's boy lately. He asked to read the icky bug book of colors again. I moved him into elliot's bed and finished reading the 3 books we had scheduled, Yoko, and Hieronymous and his Strange Pets. I let them attempt sleeping together. Asher really didn't want to leave. I told them, "I'm coming in and Asher is going in his own bed if I hear one peep." After checking my email and eating some posole, they were still making noise, so I moved Asher to his bed. He cried for one second and fell asleep.
Elliot went to the bathroom. Then I wrangled him to bed and cuddled with him for a few minutes and he fell asleep immediately.
I can't believe Asher is two. He sat at the dinner table laughing, "It's funny." His extreme exhuberance. The space between his teeth. He looks just like his brother. He is so sweet. He hugged me so many times today and yesterday. "Hug."