Laura must have two nannies, she's a millionairess architect living in NYC. I guess the kids take care of each other. FourFour said her hardboiled philosophy was refreshing. Hard core mommy.
Teacher: what do you know about pirates?
Theaux: They have spotting scopes
Cedric: They kill people
Reilly: They have really sharp swords
Elliot: If you go to the movie theatre, they have a movie coming out called Pirates of the Carribean. It was good.
Reilly: They have really green teeth!
Theaux:Well you know what pirates do? They fight...about gold.
Cedric: Yeah, about how much gold they should have!
Elliot: They fight about who gets the treasure. They all have good reasons for it.
Reilly: Treasure planet is a movie about pirates. They look like somebody.
Theaux: They have hats. Black hats.
Cedric: I saw the Little Rascals. They ship had kids riding on it.
Reilly: They look like skeletons.
Elliot: The hats have skulls in the middle with bones crossed on them.
Theaux: They say ARGH! And you know what they say it just for fun? I have to whisper it to you. They say Argh Booty. Booty means gold.
Elliot: They dig for treasure a LOT! They dig for it under the ground.
Theaux: You know what pirates love more more more than anything? Shiny stuff.
Reilly: Gold is made of yellow.
Elliot: They have stripes of gold on their treasure chests. But it's pretty sad that pirates don't live anymore.
Theaux: They wear eye patches to scare people.
Reyhan: Well they're really bad because pirates are bad as they can be. Pirates have hats and swords like stuff and that means they have a pirate ship. They have patches on their eyes...because they are pirates.