A lot of you have been pretending to be married recently, and a lot of you have been asking questions about weddings. Does anybody have a question to ask today?
Ben: Can o

Elliot: Well, two boys can marry one girl.
Cannon: Well, that's not very fair.
Jade: Girls that marry the boys stay together forever, because they married each other.
Cannon: I think that's not very fair because someone's not marrying me.
Ben: I want to marry Jade but also Cannon and Elliot do so I bet three boys can marry her.
Rey: Well, people like grownups, they marry, or big kids, they marry. I know big kids they KIND of marry - buit I don't know about that.
Elliot: Some boys can marry boys too.
Ben: And some girls can marry a girl
Elliot: but in different cities and countries
Ben: Yeah. And towns.
Elliot: An animal can marry a different animal.
All: laugh
Elliot: Stop laughing everybody! Everybody. I know there's something funny in here, but please stop laughing. Stop laughing please. Attention!
Cannon: No that's not true. Animals don't have any hands.
Teacher: Why do they need hands to get married?
Cannon: They can't dance with no hands.
Teacher: How old do you think you should have to be before you can get married?
Ben: I bet you could have to be 17. Or 19 because that's a lot.
Rey: 18
Jade: 20
Cannon: 20. 18. 190.
Perri: Maybe 11?
Teacher: How can you tell that people are married?
Ronan: You know because they're going around in circles. They go around in circles because they are marriying.
Elliot: Yeah, I know what Ronan is saying.
Cannon: I would wear a dress if I got married.
Rey: If they were married the girl wears a dress and the boy wears...something else. He wears black pants and a black shirt.
Elliot: And a black tie too! A boy tie.
Elliot: Sometimes people get married on an airplane.
Perri: Sometimes people can marry on a boat.
Will: They should climb up to the moon.
Jade: My mommy and daddy got married on a boat. We have pictures.
Perri: They will be married at Chuck E Cheese
Finn: You could get married on a Blue Angel.
Will: Or in a church
Rey: Or a helicopter
Will: You can also drive in a very very long car.
Rey: Like a limo?
Ben: No like a LONG Hummer.
Jade: The prince has to be there.
Ronan: Your grandma and grandpa could be there. Even your cousins.
Elliot: I went to a wedding once and I got to be the ring bearer. There were some serious problems.
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